10 latest Chinese buzzwords

Chinese language
5 min readJan 8, 2019


Photo by Yasmin Dangor on Unsplash

From textbooks, you can learn proper grammar, regular words and vocabulary, as well as sentence structure. You can also learn simple and ordinary conversations and dialogue. But what you can’t learn from textbooks are the slang, phrases, and buzzwords that regular people use in their everyday talk.

With the help of the National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center, the Commercial Press, and CCTV News, China has released its “Top Words and Phrases of 2018” just last Thursday. Covering the period from November 20, 2017 to December 3, 2018, and contributed by netizens across the country, these are the words and phrases that reflect the hot issues that concerned Chinese speakers this past year.

Let’s take a look at these ten latest Chinese buzzwords.

1. 锦鲤 (jin3 li3)

锦鲤 refers to the Koi fish. Since 锦鲤 represents good luck in 风水(fengshui), Chinese people are very interested in them. Numerous koi fish related tweets are reposted to wish others better health and abundant wealth.

In China and Japan, people have a long history of keeping koi fish which is believed to bring good luck. The tradition is kept on the internet, as “转发锦鲤 (reposting koi fish)”, and it has become a trend on Chinese social medias.


转发这个锦鲤,你2019会一切顺利!(zhun3 fa1 zhe3 ge jin3 li3, ni3 2019 hui4 yi1qie4 shun4li4!)

Repost this Koi Fish, everything will go smoothly with you in 2019!

转发这条微博,你就是下一个锦鲤!(zhun3 fa1 zhe4 tiao2 wei1 bo2, ni3 jiu4shi4 xia4 yi1ge4 jin3li3!)

Repost this tweet, you are the next Koi Fish!

2. 佛系 (fó xì)

Literally, 佛(fó) means buddha and 系(xì) means system or style. 佛系 refers to a Buddha-like mindset.

For the Chinese youth, being 佛系 means adopting a peaceful state of mind and not caring how others think about them. The popular slogan goes like “都可以/都行(dou1 ke3yi3/dou1 xing2)” (Anything is okay), “就这样吧(就这样吧)” (Let it be), “ 没关系 (mei2guan1xi)” , (It doesn’t matter), etc. Somehow, they are regarded as more negative emotions since it seems that some people just simply want to avoid the stresses from competitive surroundings by taking this mindset.


A: 什么都行。我无所谓。(shen2me dou1 xing2. wo3 wu2suo3wei4.)

Anything is okay. I don’t mind.

B: 那么佛系?(na4me fo2 xi4?)

Such buddha-like?

A: 是的,我现在是佛系青年。(shi4de, wo3 xian4zai4 shi4 fo2 xi4 qing1nian2.)

Yes, I am a buddha-like youth now.

3. Skr

Originally, this sound refers to the car tire friction. Skr was known widely by people because of Chinese young idol Kris Wu who used the term frequently on a show called 中国有嘻哈(the Rap of China). It’s very popular among netizens who now somewhat use it for mocking. But at first it was used to express admiration and praise.

Since it sounds similar to the Chinese sound [si ge] which can be transcribed as 是个,死个, etc., thus this sound is also used in many sound related sentences.


冷skr人了。冷死个人了。(leng3 si3 ge4 ren2le.)

It`s sooo cold!

你真skr人才。你真是个人才。(ni3 zhen1 shi4 ge4 ren2cai2.)

You are such a talent.

4. 杠精 (gàng jīng)

Contrarian, hater

Here 杠 is from the Chinese word “抬杠(tai2gang2)” which means contradict or talk back. 杠精 describes someone who automatically takes the opposite point-of-view from the person to whom they are speaking. These people just argue for the sake of arguing.


A: 我发现我老板的管理方式真的很有问题。(wo3 fa1xian4 wo3 lao3ban3 de gun3li3 fang1shi4 zhen1 de hen3 you3 wen4ti2.)

I find that my boss’s management style to be really problematic.

B: 那你怎么不去当老板?(na4 ni3 zen3me bu4 qu4 dang1 lao3ban3?)

Then why aren’t you the boss?

A: 我刚从云南回来。那里真的是太美了。(wo3 gang1 cong2 yun2nan2 hui2lai2. na4li3 zhen1 de shi4 tai4mei3le)

I just came back from Yunnan. It’s so beautiful.

B: 美吗?那你显然是没去过九寨沟了。(mei3 ma? na4 ni3 xian3ran2 shi4 mei2 qu4guo4 jiu3zhai4gou1 le.)

Beautiful? You’ve obviously never seen Jiuzhaigou!

5. 确认过眼神 (que4ren4 guo4 yan3shen2)

Literally 确认过眼神 means “Have confirmed the expression from the eyes.” The netizens use this phrase to express “we can see that from one’s eyes” or “to look somebody in the eyes.”


确认过眼神,你就是对的人!(que4ren4 guo4 yan3shen2, ni3 jiu4shi4 dui4 de ren2!)

Looking you in the eyes, you are the correct one!

确认过眼神,他是不理想的人。(que4ren4 guo4 yan3shen2, ta1 shi4 bu4 li3xiang3 de ren2.)

I can see that from his eyes. He is not the ideal one.

6. 官宣 (guān xuān)

官宣 is short for 官方宣布which literally means “an official announcement” . The abbreviated version 官宣 is often used on the internet for netizens to announce something.


官宣!我们结婚啦!(guan1 xuan1! wo3men jie2hun1 la!)

Official announcement! We are getting married!

我的偶像官宣恋爱了。(wo3 de ou3xiang4 guan1 xuan1 lian4'ai4 ile.)

My idol officially announced that she/he is in love.

7. 土味情话 (tu3 wei4 qing2hua4)

土味情话refers to lines which sound very emotional, romantic, and even embarrassing in some way, though it`s often also used to break the ice. For netizens, it`s a kind of cold humor composed of love words. Here are some cheesy pick-up lines for you:

你不累吗?你已经在我的脑海中跑一天了。(ni3 bu4 lei4 ma? ni3 yi3jing1 zai4 wo3 de nao3hai3 zhong1 pao3 yi1tian1 le.)

Are you sure you’re not tired? You’ve been running through my mind all day.

我觉得我认识你。因为你看起来像我下一个女朋友。(wo3 jue2de2 wo3 ren4shi4 ni3. yin1wei4 ni3 kan4qi3lai2 xiang4 wo3 xia4yi1ge1 nv3 peng2you3.)

I think I know you. Because you look exactly like my next girlfriend.

8. 皮一下 (pi2 yi1 xia4)

Literally speaking, 皮 means “being naughty” in the Chinese language, which is often used in oral Chinese. 皮一下 indicates making fun of someone or playing a trick, and it sounds a little cute.


皮一下很开心。(pi2 yi1xia4 hen3 kai1xin1.)

It`s fun to be naughty.

没事儿就想皮一下。(mei2shi4r jiu4 xiang3 pi2yi1xia4.)

I want to play a trick when there is nothing to do.

9. 燃烧我的卡路里 (ran2shao1 wo3 de ka3lu4li3)

Literally, this sentence means “burn my calories.” It comes from a song called Calorie which is sung by the hot Chinese girl group 火箭少女101 (Rocket Girls 101). Its special melody, lyrics, and very contentious singers made the line of this song a hit all over the internet.

10. C位 (C wèi)

C is an abbreviation of the word “center” , so “C位” means the center position. It generally refers to the center of the stage, the artist’s position in the middle, or the most crucial spot of a poster. Just like the one above, 燃烧我的卡路里, this phrase also originated from the girl group 火箭少女101 (Rocket Girls 101).

Apparently, this group really was a hit in 2018. The girls of this group are selected by internet users basing on the reality show 创造101 (Produce 101). There were about 100 trainees to be selected and trained. In the end, only nine girls were left on the stage as the final winners to compose this new girl idol group. The center position trainees would get the best position of the group.


投票!让你的偶像C位出道!(tou2piao4! rang4 ni3 de ou3xiang4 C wei4 chu1dao4!)

Vote!Make your idol enter entertainment with the center position!

照相的时候一般领导站C位。(zhao4xiang4 de shi2hou4 yi1ban1 ling3dao3 zhan4 C wei4.)

Normally, the leaders will take the center position when taking photos.



Chinese language

The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.